• My First Uke


Day 12: Distractions

There are several things in this great world that I love.  First and foremost I love knitting, I love yarn and needles and patterns and knitters, and gosh I just love it all.  I love sunny days in February when I can play in my yard.  I love pizza.  Add to this list the Olympics, I really love the Olympics.  I can watch hours of sports that I know nothing about (“Hello Snowboard Cross, nice to meet you”).  All of these wonderful things have smooshed together this week and stopped me in my tracks.  I am one big ball of distraction.

I went to the Madrona Fiber Festival (Tacoma, WA) last Saturday and talked about the Olympics.  We had an Opening Ceremony pizza party last Friday where our friends came over and knat (that’s a knitting joke).  We shoveled and spread 7 cubic yards of play bark on Monday, and every time I almost tipped over the wheelbarrow – but saved it at the last moment – I yelled “she STUCK the LANDING!”

You see where all this is going?  I haven’t put in enough practice time this week.  I managed an hour and a half over the weekend, but haven’t touched it in three days and have nothing to report.  Soon enough, soon enough.

I have been exploring suggested links and I’m amazed at what is out there.    My favorite resource at the moment is the Moogly-Moo-kuele Songbook, I can’t get over all the great music in there.  I probably spent an hour working on YMCA just because it makes me giggle.  Oh yeah, my “This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land” is getting pretty slick.

A lawyer representing Koalas called and demanded that I cease defaming them.  I do not sound like a grunting Koala when I sing.  However, I may indeed look like one.

3 Responses

  1. Shut up, Bob Costas.

  2. Moogly-moo to you too. Great stuff there.

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